Miki Feller
The boat took us from Peace Memorial Park to Miyajima Island. We sat on the right side of the boat and I looked out the window at the waves. At some point I noticed a small island (in my memory it looks like a rock with a tree). At the front, a video was playing on a TV the whole trip, reporting on the region and now dealing with the small island. According to the video, a legend played out there, which was about a father and his son: The father was disappointed by his son all his life, because he always did the opposite of what he told him. So the father asked the son to bury him on the small island after his death, in the hope that the son would do it completely differently. But when the father died, the son regretted having always disappointed him so much. In fact, this time he fulfilled his father‘s wish and buried him on the small island. So it came to pass, if I remember correctly, that the son disappointed his father to the end.