About Path Tiles

Path Tiles is my Diploma project which focuses on customizing textiles with our personal memories and experiences. I discovered that a memory or experience always happens at a specific place or a journey and therefore I chose to customize patterns with GPS data. The nice thing about GPS data is that we can easily track or generate it, so it is accessible to anybody.

I chose to customize textiles because I hope to create a deeper bond between wearer and garment and therefore to reduce the fast-trend-consumption and to shift people's minds towards a conscious, need-focused consumption. Rather than buying the next fast-fashion-garment one can create a product with a personal value - a specific connection to an experience - a special meaning for the wearer.

For more information you can check out the documentation in the ORC Archive (currently only in German) or contact me rita@andrulyte.studio.

What is a .gpx file?

A .gpx file is a GPS Exchange Format which holds geographic information like routes, tracks and waypoints. The Path Tiles Generator uses the data stored in a .gpx file to generate your pattern.

I have a path in mind but I don't have a .gpx file of this route.

You can generate a .gpx file using free online tools like map.project-osrm.org or gpx.studio. On the OSRM Website you can type in the Start and Finish of your route and download the .gpx file. You will find the download button in the bottom-left corner. The GPX Studio website has much more functionality but you can simply create your route by clicking on two points on the map. The export option you will find in the top bar under File > Export.

I recommend using tools on a desktop device.

You can also live track your GPS data with your Phone and save it in a .gpx file (free app for Android or free app for iPhone).

If you need any kind of help you can always contact me via rita@andrulyte.studio.

I need help obtaining a .gpx file.

If you need any kind of help you can always contact me via rita@andrulyte.studio.

How can I track GPS data with my phone?

For Android devices, you can use the free app called Geo Tracker – GPS Tracker available on the Play Store. For Apple devices, you can use the free app called Open GPX Tracker available on the App Store. Remember to save your tracked routes in the .gpx format, so it works properly with the Path Tiles Generator.

How can I generate GPS data online?

To generate a .gpx file you can use map.project-osrm.org or gpx.studio. On the OSRM Website you can type in the Start and Finish of your route and download the .gpx file. You will find the download button in the bottom-left corner. The .gpx.studio website has much more functionality but you can simply create your route by clicking on two points on the map. The export option you will find in the top bar under File > Export.

I recommend using both tools on a desktop device.

I have a GPS file but in a different format (.kml/.xml/.kmz/etc.)

You will need to convert your file into a .gpx file format, since the Path Tiles Generator doesn't work with any other format yet. For this you can probably use the same Application whith which you created your GPS-file or you can use the GPS Visualizer or the GPX Studio to convert your file to the .gpx format.

What happens with my pattern?

At the moment you can save your pattern and do whatever you like with it. It is completely yours and I don't see anything unless you choose to share it. If you want to have something knitted with your pattern you can send me the saved .jpg file via email and I will come back to you.

I would really appreciate if you'd like to share your pattern, your route and a corresponding story about your route with me. You can do so by sending me an e-mail rita@andrulyte.studio.

How does the Path Tiles Generator work?

The Path Tiles Generator takes your personal GPS data and isolates it from the map to place the path's shape on the canvas—a small part of the screen. It does this four times next to each other so that the possibility of symmetrical patterns is ensured. Those 4 elements form together the rapport—the smallest isolatable unit of the pattern. The pattern comes alive when the rapport is endlessly repeated. You can shift, scale and mirror your GPS-data in the given rapport to create a pattern of your liking.

I've used p5.js to code the Pattern Generator, if you are interested in the code, you can check it out on GitHub.